
CSVDataMerge automatically merges together CSV (comma-separated value) datafiles into one larger dataset. It is assumed that (a) individual datafiles are in CSV format, (b) all datafiles have a header row (i.e., column names) at the top of each file, and (c) all files have the same headers and these headers are each unique. The program does not assume that columns are in the same order for all datafiles (it will resort them if not) and also deals correctly with empty cells. The user only needs to (a) ensure that Java is install on the computer, (b) place the JAR file (CSVDataMerge.jar) in the corresponding folder, and (c) create a folder called "data" (case sensitive) in the same folder as the JAR file, which in turn stores all of the CSV files (and nothing else). Double-clicking on the JAR file will create a file called dataset.csv (the concatenated file). The source code (JAVA file) is also provided for developers. If you use CSVDataMerge for your research please cite:

Schmidt, J. R. (2021). CSVDataMerge: A simple and free program for concatenating experimental data files. Journal of Open Research Software, 9, Article 34.

GNU General Public License v3.0.

Questions can be directed to me at james.schmidt@u-bourgogne.fr.

The public repository is located at: here.

Alternatively, you can download the JAR file for data merging here and the Java source code here.


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