Thursday 11 July 2024 - Aphantasia: living and thinking without mental imagery

Published: 29 mai 24, 14:53 in Events.

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Aphantasia: Living and thinking without mental imagery

Between 2% and 5% of the population are thought to have difficulty mentally imagining an image of an object or memory. This particular cognitive profile is known as ‘Aphantasia’ and is often diagnosed very late in life using self-questionnaires that measure the vividness of visual imagery. During this study day, the Aphantasia Club, France's leading association on Aphantasia, will talk about the day-to-day lives of people with Aphantasia and the lack of knowledge about Aphantasia. Through a series of scientific presentations by researchers from the Universities of Lyon, Grenoble and Dijon, we will attempt to gain a better understanding of the diversity of cognitive profiles that make up the spectrum of Aphantasia and the repercussions of Aphantasia on cognitive activities (e.g. memory and learning).

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