News & Events

LEAD Study Day - Friday 10 June 2016 at 09:00 - Dijon, I3M, Room 101

Program & abstracts

Published: 10 mai 16, 11:26 in Seminars. Read more ›

1ère Journée de Culture Scientifique de l’Institut Marey - Thursday 26 May 2016 - Dijon, I3M

1ère Journée de Culture Scientifique de l’Institut Marey

Published: 20 janv. 16, 16:58 in Events. Read more ›

LEAD Study Day - Friday 5 February 2016 at 09:00 - Dijon, I3M, Room 101

Program & abstracts

Published: 20 janv. 16, 15:43 in Seminars. Read more ›

Micah B. Goldwater Seminar - Monday 28 September 2015 at 14:00 - Campus Dijon, Pôle AAFE, Room 101

Micah B. Goldwater, Lecturer, The University of Sydney, School of Psychology Relational categories in mind, brain, and education. Categorization of novel objects, events, and information is a fundamental cognitive process that is essential for understanding our world. Typical theories of categories and concepts have [...]

Published: 14 sept. 15, 11:44 in Seminars. Read more ›

Oriana Orlandi thesis defense - Friday 10 July 2015 at 14:30 - Dijon, Salle du Conseil de Lettres

Compréhension des images tactiles chez les enfants porteurs d'un handicap visuel The present PhD aims at understanding how Visual Impaired (VI) children process the tactile pictures that illustrate the tactile books specially designed for them. Our work is organized around two main axes of [...]

Published: 25 juin 15, 16:22 in Thesis defenses. Read more ›

Bénédicte Poulin-Charronnat HDR defense - Tuesday 30 June 2015 at 15:00 - Dijon, Salle du Conseil de Lettres

Published: 04 juin 15, 16:26 in
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. Read more ›

LEAD Study Day - Friday 26 June 2015 at 09:15 - Dijon, Pôle AAFE, Room 101


Published: 04 juin 15, 16:25 in Conferences. Read more ›

Christopher Moulin HDR defense - Tuesday 09 June 2015 at 14:30 - Dijon, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (MSH), Salle des thèses

Published: 15 mai 15, 17:15 in Seminars. Read more ›

Alan Baddeley Seminar - Tuesday 19 Mai 2015 at 14:30 - Campus Dijon, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme

Working memory: What’s old and what’s new? Alan Baddeley Maison des Sciences de l’HommeUniversité de Bourgogne Mardi 19 Mai 2015 à 14h30 Inscription gratuite et obligatoire sur le site web :  

Published: 31 mars 15, 10:46 in Seminars. Read more ›

GDRI Neurosciences cognitives et Ecole - Tuesday 7 & Wednesday 8 April 2015 - Campus Dijon, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Salle de conférences

Mardi 7 avril 2015   13h15 : Introduction : Discussion sur l’ouvrage et les objectifs 13h30 : Mémoire de travail et apprentissages : Steve Majerus (Collaboration avec P.  Barrouillet et V. Camos) 14h : Processus de contrôle et apprentissage : Patrick Lemaire et Agnès [...]

Published: 23 mars 15, 15:58 in Conferences. Read more ›

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