Jean-Pierre Thibaut
PU – Psychology, Permanent

- rf.engogruob-u@tuabiht.erreip-naej
- +33 (0)3 80 39 57 56
- +33 (0)3 80 39 57 67
- Room #245
Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté
11 Esplanade Erasme
21000 Dijon
Developmental Psychology (conceptual development)
Curriculum Vitae
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- 1983-1991: Assistant (Université de Liège)
- 1990 - PhD en psychologie cognitive de l'Université de Liège (Belgique) Jury de thèse: Jean Costermans (Université Catholique de Louvain) Eric Esperet (Université de Poitiers), Alberto Barera Vidal (Université de Liège) Marie-France Barret (Université de Liège) Jean-Adolphe Rondal (Université de Liège, Promoteur).
- 1992-1995: Premier Assistant (permanent) - Université de Liège
- 1996-1998: Chef de travaux -Université de Liège
- 1999-2003 : Chargé de cours adjoint - Université de Liège
- 1999: Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Université de Bourgogne
- 2003-2008: Professeur de psychologie du développement à l'Université de Poitiers (Laboratoire CNRS CeRCA)
- 2008- : Professeur de Psychologie du développement à l'Université de Bourgogne (Laboratoire CNRS - LEAD - UMR 5022)
Research topics
Children's comprehension of analogies and conceptual relations
How do children understand analogies
Children's naive conceptions about nutrition and related notions
Lexical and conceptual development: learning and generalizing novel names for unfamiliar objects
How do children learn novel names and how do they integrate conceptual dimensions in the meaning of words?
The role of stimuli comparison, during lexical learning. It has been shown that comparison leads to better conceptualization and more conceptually based generalization of novel names. We study the factors this positive influence of comparison.
We also have a developmental psychopathological approach, including people with intellectual deficiencies and language specific disorders (DLD)
Food cognition in children - food rejection tendencies
We examine children's knowledge regarding categories of food and its relations with food rejection tendencies (neophobia and pickiness).
Three main questions: how is the category of food structured and how do children reason about food, in comparison with other objects.
How do neophobic and/or picky children develop knowledge regarding foods?
Do neophobic or picky children have different cognitive characteristics, especially executive functions?
- Boucheix, J. M., Lowe, R. K., & Thibaut, J. P. (2020). A Developmental Perspective on Young Children’s Understandings of Paired Graphics Conventions From an Analogy Task. Frontiers in Psychology. More ›
- Gros, H., Thibaut, J. P., & Sander, E. (2020). Semantic congruence in arithmetic: A new conceptual model for word problem solving. Educational Psychologist, 55(2), 69-87.. More ›
- Krzemien, M., Thibaut, J. P., Jemel, B., Levaux, E., & Maillart, C. (2020). How do children with developmental language disorder extend novel nouns?. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. More ›
- Krzemien, M., Thibaut, J. P., & Maillart, C. (2020). How language and inhibition influence analogical reasoning in children with or without developmental language disorder?. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 42(1), 76-89. More ›
- Lafraire, J., Rioux, C., Hamaoui, J., Girgis, H., Nguyen, S., & Thibaut, J. P. (2020). Food as a borderline domain of knowledge: The development of domain-specific inductive reasoning strategies in young children. Cognitive Development. More ›
- Thibaut, J. P., Lafraire, J., & Foinant, D. (2020). A time for a meal? Children’s conceptions of short-term and long-term effects of foods. Cognitive Development. More ›
- Witt, A., Comblain, A., & Thibaut, J. P. (2020). Do typically and atypically developing children learn and generalize novel names similarly: the role of conceptual distance during learning and at test. Research in Developmental Disabilities. More ›
- Gros, H., Sander, E., & Thibaut, J. P. (2019). When masters of abstraction run into a concrete wall: Experts failing arithmetic word problems. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 26(5), 1738-1746.. More ›
- Thibaut, J.P., Gelaes, S., & Murphy, G.L. (2018). Does practice in category learning increase rule use or exemplar use—or both?. Memory & Cognition, 46, 530-543. More ›
- Thibaut, J.P., Stansbury, E., & Witt, A. (2018). Generalization of novel names for relations in comparison settings: the role of conceptual distance during learning and at test. In Kalish, C., Rau, M., Rogers, T., Zhu, J., & (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1114-1119). Austin, TX: Cognitive science Society. More ›