Prany Wantzen
MCU – Psychologie, Titulaire

- rf.engogruob-u@neztnaw.ynarp
- +33 (0)3 80 39 57 47
- +33 (0)3 80 39 57 67
- Bureau n°248
Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté
11 Esplanade Erasme
21000 Dijon
- Wantzen, P., Clochon, P., Doidy, F., Wallois, F., Desaunay, P., Piet, C., Raoul, L., Rebillard, C., Mille, C., Guilé, JM., Guénolé, F., Eustache, F., Baleyte, JM., & Guillery-Girard, B. (2022). EEG resting-state functional connectivity: evidence for an imbalance of external/internal information integration in Autism. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 14(1), 47. Détails ›
- Wantzen, P., Boursette, A., Zante, E., Mioche, J., Guénolé, F., Eustache, F., Baleyte, JM., & Guillery-Girard, B. (2021). Autobiographical memory and social identity in ASD: social positioning and cognitive intervention. Frontiers in Psychology. Détails ›
- Desaunay, P., Clochon, P., Doidy, F., Lambrechts, A., Wantzen, P., Wallois, F., Mahmoudzadeh, M., Guile, J.-M., Guénolé, F., Baleyte, J.-M., Eustache, F., Bowler, D. M., & Guillery-Girard, B. (2020). Exploring the Event-Related Potentials’ Time Course of Associative Recognition in Autism. Autism Research. Détails ›