News & Events

Maxime Ambard Seminar - Thursday october 10th 2013 at 10:30 - Campus Dijon, Pôle AAFE, Room 204

Maxime AMBARD Maître de Conférences LEAD CNRS UMR 5022 Université de Bourgogne Etude des aspects neuronaux, cognitifs et comportementaux de l'apprentissage multimodal intervenant dans la construction de la représentation mentale de l'environnement sonore. Lors de cette présentation, Maxime Ambard, nouveau maître de conférences au sein [...]

Published: 01 oct. 13, 15:12 in Seminars. Read more ›

Maria Augustinova Seminar - Thursday september 19th 2013 at 10:30 - Campus Dijon, Pôle AAFE, salle 101

Maria Augustinova MCF LAPSCO UMR 5024 CNRS Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand   La chute et la résurrection de l’automaticité de la lecture.   Les données issues de la tâche Stroop (Stroop, 1935) ont largement contribué à former l’idée consensuelle que la lecture est un processus [...]

Published: 10 sept. 13, 09:32 in Seminars. Read more ›

Laura FERRERI Seminar - Thursday september 12th 2013 at 10:30 - Campus Dijon, Pôle AAFE, salle 101

Laura FERRERI Doctorante, LEAD CNRS UMR 5022 Université de Bourgogne   « Investigating effects of music on cognitive functions using fNIRS »   Listening to music engages the whole brain, thus stimulating cognitive performance in a range of non-purely musical activities such as language and [...]

Published: 10 sept. 13, 09:31 in Seminars. Read more ›

Third International Conference on Analogy - Dijon, France: August 6-8, 2013

The Third International Conference on Analogy ( will be held in Dijon (LEAD laboratory, CNRS UMR 5022), France, the heart of the Burgundy wine country. The first two analogy conferences took place in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1999 and 2009.  This workshop will be organized [...]

Published: 17 juin 13, 16:42 in Conferences. Read more ›

Tatiana Selchenkova - tuesday may 21th 2013 - Pôle AAFE - room R02 -10.30am

Tatiana Selchenkova , PhD student Université Lyon-1, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center Titre en attendant le résumé que je vous ferai parvenir dès réception. "Artificial grammar learning with temporal regularities".

Published: 21 mai 13, 10:22 in Seminars. Read more ›

Robert FRENCH - thursday may 16th 2013 - Pôle AAFE - room R01 -10.30am

Robert FRENCH Directeur de Recherche CNRS, LEAD UMR 5022Université de Bourgogne « Un modèle connexionniste de chunking et de segmentation : Un défi relevé et remporté » Individuals of all ages extract structure from the sequences of patterns they encounter in their environment, an ability [...]

Published: 13 mai 13, 09:38 in Seminars. Read more ›

Gérard DEROSIERE - thursday april 11th 2013 - Pôle AAFE - room R01 -10.30am

Gérard DEROSIEREAffiliations :1 Movement to Health (M2H), Montpellier-1 University, EuroMov, 700 Avenue du Pic Saint-Loup - 34090 Montpellier, France.2 Biomedical Engineering Research Group (BERG), National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), Co Kildare, Ireland.Corrélats neuraux des déficits attentionnelsL'attention soutenue est une composante fondamentale de la Cognition [...]

Published: 05 avril 13, 16:03 in Seminars. Read more ›

Gordon Brown - thursday march 21th 2013 - Pôle AAFE - room R02 -10.30am

Gordon Brown (University of Warwick). Social Sampling Theory: A Model of Social Norms, Segregation, and Polarisation Les travaux de Gordon Brown tentent d'expliquer dans un monde hyper-informé et hyper-connecté la polarisation de plus en plus radicale de l'opinion sur les questions sociales, économiques et politiques. [...]

Published: 26 févr. 13, 10:49 in Seminars. Read more ›

Robin Morris - thursday january 17th 2013 at 10:30am - room R01 Pôle AAFE

Robin MORRIS Professor Robin, King’s College Institute of Psychiatry, London, UKImplicit Awareness in Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical observation suggests that people with early Alzheimer’s disease often show behavioral indications that there are more aware of the effects of their condition than indicated by their verbally expressed [...]

Published: 10 janv. 13, 09:34 in Seminars. Read more ›

Matthias Kliegel - thursday november 29th 2012 at 10:30am - room 101 Pôle AAFE

Matthias KLIEGEL Professor, University of Geneva, Switzerland Dismantling the “age-prospectivememory paradox” Prospective memory refers to the processes underlying the ability to remember delayed intentions (e.g., remembering to take medication in time). Research on prospective memory in old age has revealed an intriguing age-related pattern: on [...]

Published: 22 nov. 12, 09:49 in Seminars. Read more ›

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