Publications de James Schmidt

In press

  • Henry, W., & Schmidt, J. R. (In Press). Stroop-like effects in pitch identification training and generalization to untrained timbres: Evidence from a contingency learning task. Music Perception. Détails ›
  • Šaban, I., & Schmidt, J. R. (In Press). Audio-visual Stroop matching task with first and second language colour words and colour associates. Applied Psycholinguistics. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R. (In Press). Is conflict adaptation adaptive? An introduction to conflict monitoring theory and the ecological problems it faces. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Détails ›
  • Weissman, D. H., Schmidt, J. R., & Spinelli, G. (In Press). Modulations of response activation contribute to block-wide control: Evidence from proportion congruency effects in the prime-probe task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Détails ›


  • Iorio, C., Bigand, E., & Schmidt, J. R. (2024). Incidentally acquiring pitch-label associations with a musical contingency learning task. Collabra: Psychology, 10, Article 118806. Détails ›
  • Weissman, D. H., & Schmidt, J. R. (2024). Proactive response preparation contributes to contingency learning: Novel evidence from force-sensitive keyboards. Psychological Research, 88, 1182–1202. Détails ›



  • Šaban, I., & Schmidt, J. R. (2022). Interlinguistic conflict: Word-word Stroop with first and second language colour words. Cognitive Processing. Détails ›


  • Šaban, I.; Schmidt, J. R. (2021). Stimulus and response conflict from a second language: Stroop interference in weakly-bilingual and recently-trained languages. Acta Psychologica, 218, Article 103360. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R. (2021). Apprentissage incident des associations simples de stimulus-réponse : Revue de la recherche avec la tâche d’apprentissage de contingences couleur-mot. Année Psychologique, 2(121), 77–127. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R. (2021). When data transformations are appropriate or even necessary: A response to Cohen-Shikora, Suh, and Bugg (2019). Timing & Time Perception. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R. (2021). Incidental learning of simple stimulus-response associations: A review of colour-word contingency learning research. Année Psychologique, 121, 77–127. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R. (2021). Qu’est-ce que l’apprentissage implicite ?. The Conversation France. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R. (2021). CSVDataMerge: A simple and free program for concatenating experimental data files. Journal of Open Research Software, 9, Article 34. Détails ›


  • Giesen, C. G., Schmidt, J. R., & Rothermund, K. (2020). The law of recency: An episodic stimulus-response retrieval account of habit acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 2927. Détails ›
  • Liefooghe, B., Hughes, S., Schmidt, J. R., & De Houwer, J. (2020). Stroop-like effects for derived stimulus-stimulus relations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 46, 327-349. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R., De Houwer, J., & Moors, A. (2020). Learning habits: Does overtraining lead to resistance to new learning?. Collabra: Psychology, 6, Article 21. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R., Giesen, C. G., & Rothermund, K. (2020). Contingency learning as binding? Testing an exemplar view of the colour-word contingency learning effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 739-761. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R., Liefooghe, B., & De Houwer, J. (2020). An episodic model of task switching effects: Erasing the homunculus from memory. Journal of Cognition. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R., Liefooghe, B., & De Houwer, J. (2020). Erasing the homunculus as an ongoing mission: A reply to the commentaries. Journal of Cognition. Détails ›


  • Braem, S., Bugg, J. M., Schmidt, J. R., Crump, M. J. C., Weissman, D. H., Notebaert, W., & Egner, T. (2019). Measuring adaptive control in conflict tasks. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R., & De Houwer, J. (2019). Cue competition and incidental learning: No blocking or overshadowing in the colour-word contingency learning procedure without instructions to learn. Collabra: Psychology, 5, Article 15. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R., & De Houwer, J. (2019). Correction to Schmidt and De Houwer (2012). Experimental Psychology. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R., & Lemercier, C. (2019). Context-specific proportion congruent effects: Compound-cue contingency learning in disguise. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 1119–1130. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J. R. (2019). Evidence against conflict monitoring and adaptation: An updated review. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26, 753–771. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J. R., Hartsuiker, R. J., & De Houwer, J. (2018). Interference in Dutch-French bilinguals: Stimulus and response conflict in intra- and interlingual Stroop. Experimental Psychology. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R. (2018). Best not to bet on the horserace: A comment on Forrin and MacLeod (2017) and a relevant stimulus-response compatibility view of colour-word contingency learning asymmetries. Memory & Cognition, 46, 326-335. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., Augustinova, M., & De Houwer, J. (2018). Category learning in the colour-word contingency learning paradigm. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 658-666. Détails ›


  • Lemercier, C., Simoës-Perlant, A., Schmidt, J.R., & Boujon, C. (2017). Stroop interference and development: Influence of expectation on color-naming response times. European Review of Applied Psychology, 67, 43-50. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R. (2017). Time-out for conflict monitoring theory: Preventing rhythmic biases eliminates the list-level proportion congruent effect. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 52-62. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R. (2016). Proportion congruency and practice: A contingency learning account of asymmetric list shifting effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R. (2016). Temporal learning and rhythmic responding: No reduction in the proportion easy effect with variable response-stimulus intervals. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 634. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R. (2016). Context-specific proportion congruent effects: An episodic learning account and computational model. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 1806. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & De Houwer, J. (2016). Contingency learning tracks with stimulus-response proportion: No evidence of misprediction costs. Experimental Psychology, 63, 79-88. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & De Houwer, J. (2016). Time course of colour-word contingency learning: Practice curves, pre-exposure benefits, unlearning, and relearning. Learning and Motivation, 56, 15-30. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., De Houwer, J., & Rothermund, K. (2016). The Parallel Episodic Processing (PEP) Model 2.0: A single computational model of stimulus-response binding, contingency learning, power curves, and mixing costs. Cognitive Psychology, 91, 82-108. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & Liefooghe, B. (2016). Feature integration and task switching: Diminished switch costs after controlling for stimulus, response, and cue repetitions. PLOS ONE, 11, e0151188. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & Weissman, D.H. (2016). Congruency sequence effects and previous response times: Conflict adaptation or temporal learning?. Psychological Research, 80, 590-607. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R., Notebaert, W., & Van den Bussche, E. (2015). Is conflict adaptation an illusion?. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 172. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & Weissman, D.H. (2015). Contingent attentional capture triggers the congruency sequence effect. Acta Psychologica, 159, 61-68. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R. (2014). Contingencies and attentional capture: The importance of matching stimulus informativeness in the item-specific proportion congruent task. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, Article 540. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R. (2014). List-level transfer effects in temporal learning: Further complications for the list-level proportion congruent effect. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 26(4), 373-385. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R. (2014). Contingency and congruency switch in the congruency sequence effect: A reply to Blais, Stefanidi, and Brewer (2014). Frontiers in Psychology, 5, Article 1405. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., De Schryver, M., & Weissman, D.H. (2014). Removing the influence of feature repetitions on the congruency sequence effect: Why regressing out confounds from a nested design will often fall short. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40(6), 2392-2402. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., Lemercier, C., & De Houwer, J. (2014). Context-specific temporal learning with non-conflict stimuli: Proof-of-principle for a learning account of context-specific proportion congruent effects. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, Article 1241. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & Weissman, D.H. (2014). Congruency sequence effects without feature integration or contingency learning confounds. Plos One, 9(7), e0102337. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R. (2013). The Parallel Episodic Processing (PEP) model: Dissociating contingency and conflict adaptation in the item-specific proportion congruent paradigm. Acta Psychologica, 142, 119-126. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R. (2013). Questioning conflict adaptation: Proportion congruent and Gratton effects reconsidered. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20(4), 615-630. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R. (2013). Temporal learning and list-level proportion congruency: Conflict adaptation or learning when to respond?. Plos One, 8(11), e0082320. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., Cheesman, J., & Besner, D. (2013). You can't Stroop a lexical decision: Is semantic processing fundamentally facilitative?. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67(2), 130-139. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R. (2012). Human contingency learning. In Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 1455-1456). New York: Springer. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & De Houwer, J. (2012). Contingency learning with evaluative stimuli: Testing the generality of contingency learning in a performance paradigm. Experimental Psychology, 59, 175-182. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & De Houwer, J. (2012). Adding the goal to learn strengthens learning in an unintentional learning task. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19, 723-728. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & De Houwer, J. (2012). Does temporal contiguity moderate contingency learning in a speeded performance task?. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65, 408-425. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & De Houwer, J. (2012). Learning, awareness, and instruction: Subjective contingency awareness does matter in the colour-word contingency learning paradigm. Consciousness and Cognition, 21, 1754-1768. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R., & De Houwer, J. (2011). Now you see it, now you don't: Controlling for contingencies and stimulus repetitions eliminates the Gratton effect. Acta Psychologica, 138, 176-186. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R., De Houwer, J., & Besner, D. (2010). Contingency learning and unlearning in the blink of an eye: A resource dependent process. Consciousness and Cognition, 19, 235-250. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R., & Besner, D. (2008). The Stroop effect: Why proportion congruent has nothing to do with congruency and everything to do with contingency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34, 514-523. Détails ›
  • Schmidt, J.R., & Thompson, V.A. (2008). "At least one" problem with "some" formal reasoning paradigms. Memory & Cognition, 36, 217-229. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R., Crump, M.J.C., Cheesman, J., & Besner, D. (2007). Contingency learning without awareness: Evidence for implicit control. Consciousness and Cognition, 16, 421-435. Détails ›


  • Risko, E.F., Schmidt, J.R., & Besner, D. (2006). Filling a gap in the semantic gradient: Color associates and response set effects in the Stroop task. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13, 310-315. Détails ›


  • Schmidt, J.R., & Cheesman, J. (2005). Dissociating stimulus-stimulus and response-response effects in the Stroop task. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, 132-138. Détails ›